Alpargatas S/A | MMA Global

Alpargatas S/A

Alpargatas S/A

Alpargatas is a centenary Brazilian company, owner of the iconic brands Havaianas and Rothy's, and the startup tech ioasys. Present in more than 100 countries around the five continents, Alpargatas became the open footwear industry global leader.

With a long-term oriented approach and a strong and inspirational Culture connected with society, our business strategy focuses on being a Global, Digital, Innovative and Sustainable powerhouse of desirable and hyperconnected brands.

Believing that Education is the key to transform people’s lives, we act through Alpargatas Institute to support the communities where we operate in three main fronts: Education through Culture; Education through Sports and Corporate Volunteering.


MMA Program Participation

This company is not currently participating in any MMA programs.