E & J Gallo Winery | MMA Global

E & J Gallo Winery

E & J Gallo Winery

E. & J. Gallo Winery brings merlot to the masses. The company is the world's largest family-owned winemaker, thanks in part to value-jug and -box labels Carlo Rossi and Peter Vella. The vintner owns nine wineries and some 16,000 acres of California vineyards; it also contracts with other growers statewide to meet its supply needs. It is the leading US exporter of California wine, selling some 60 brands, including table and sparkling wines, and imports 14 of its name brands from countries dotting the globe. Gallo Family Vineyards Sonoma Reserve and the Italian wine Ecco Domani are among its premium wines and imports. E. & J. Gallo Winery was established in 1933 and is still owned and run by the family.


MMA Program Participation

This company is not currently participating in any MMA programs.